About Us


Global Laboratories has established a significant presence in multiple countries across Africa, boasting a commendable track record of delivering exceptional services. Our expansive network includes numerous civil engineering materials laboratories situated across various construction projects throughout the continent. These interconnected facilities offer additional support to ensure seamless operations. Benefiting from years of experience, a multitude of successful projects, and a satisfied client base, Global Laboratories has extended its services to encompass diverse fields within the Geotechnical Engineering Environment of the Construction Industry. Our expertise and comprehensive range of services enable us to cater to the diverse needs of our clients, providing them with reliable solutions and contributing to the advancement of the construction sector.


Transforming reliance into excellence


Global Laboratories aspire to be the civil materials laboratory of choice, with continuous growth achieved through repeat business as a reflection of customer satisfaction.


We at Global Laboratories value life and therewith quality of life therefore we hold the following values dear to our person;
Equality: All people are equal and deserve to enjoy the fruits of our values

Integrity: Honesty and transparency shine from all our behaviors

Respect: We respect the earth, each other and all beings equally

Trust: Trust is our point of departure in all our dealings and behaviors

Flexibility: Through flexibility with responsibility, we meet everyone’s needs

Growth: We grow together to evolve into the best we can ever be, in our search of excellence